In this series, Artist and Photographer Daniel Deladonne, displays photography in its original, present and future form; but more than that, he questions our inquisitiveness and curiosity of the unknown. Deladonne confirms that Memories are everything for him, and in this series he gives his audience something that is very dear and personal. He wants the observer to look at the roll of film and ask, “is the curiosity strong enough?” He wants viewers to consider if the roll of film is worth developing and to see the images that the Artist created, or if it is best to leave the memories embedded in time by staying in that roll of film.
Deladonne says about his concept: “Art and photography are driven by the curiosity and urge to capture a memory. In a time when everything is Insta, the gratification gets lost in the overwhelming amount of information that’s available to us… I’ve always felt strongly about using film in photography. It brings you the original voice of the medium. It’s the way it once was… I have created a Series that ties together the Past, the Present and the Future of photography as an Art form; while at the same time channeling the very nature of the human curiosity. For The Past:  I’ve taken photos with five different rolls of film. Each roll has been used in different places, some on a different continent, different amount of exposures, and different themes. For The Present: would allow the person to develop the roll,  keep, print the photos, and upload if pleased. For The Future: each roll is made into an NFT, using the new technology of Non Fungible Tokens, where they will have a smart contract that will last as long as the internet is around. Although the rolls are each unique, the idea is the same. This series is about photography, curiosity, the unknown,  about memories and where photography as an Art form will be years from now.”
Deladonne provides the observer with the option of developing the film as a form to express their curiosity and receive instant gratification, or leaving the memories embedded in time. It would allow the audience to appreciate photography in its traditional medium and as an art form. For The Present, the artist uses the expression “Epistemic curiosity – seeking knowledge and eliminating uncertainty”, allowing the audience to eliminate uncertainty by  developing the roll, printing the photos, or virtually appreciating them in the present form. For The Future, the Artist considers that Art, Photography and many other mediums are evolving into their next form: the digital future. Each roll is a Non-Fungible Token, NFT, and will create a smart contract meant to last the lifetime of the digital space.